Hi. I'm Abhaya.

Data Analyst | Visualization | Business Analyst | Data Storyteller.

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I am an Epidemiologist by trade - I try to explain who, where, why, and when diseases and outbreaks occur in a population using statistics and modeling. A few years after grad school, my interests morphed towards data exploration and visualization, harnessing tools I picked up along the journey (SQL, Python, Tableau - see my projects below!). As my career evolved, I have become a systems level thinker - what does the end-user really need? How can I create a "data chapter" to add to their story? That is my passion.



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Master's Pool

Motivation: I wanted to create a platform where my friends and I could track live positions for our yearly Master's Pool.

Description: Using Python's Requests library, RapidAPI, and Tableau, I scraped the scores of the Master's tournament, joined it to another dataset I created of player picks, and displayed it on tableau public. Data needed to be cleaned and additional columns such as "total score" and "cut scores" needed to be calculated based on the parameters of the Pool rules. The result is a dashboard where participants could see a "live leaderboard" of positions. Unfortunately, Tableau Public doesn't allow for refresh settings unless you upload to the server. please note, I have not incluced pictures of the whole project - can be found on my tableau public page!

Project 2

Project 2 Title

Short description of Project 2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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